Dear friends,
Do people ever ask you WHY we serve? Do you ever find yourself wondering WHY we cook and sew and fill baskets and sort donations and… and….?
Folks seem to know WHO we serve and WHAT we do to serve, but some don’t get the WHY. Perhaps there are those that wonder not only why the ladies of SYNC serve to begin with, but also who ARE the ladies of SYNC? What are they up to anyway and what binds them together?
Why We Volunteer
Be assured, ladies of SYNC – Seek Your Niche in Christ, that we are far more than ‘volunteers.’ Just as Jesus came to earth to show us the Father (John 14:9), we go out into the world to show others Jesus. As daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we are princesses of the royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). We are saints (Hebrews 13:24) in action (James 2:20). We have been given gifts and talents (1 Corinthians 12:4) sufficient to accomplish what God has called us to do. Indeed, He has a unique calling for each of us (2 Timothy 1:9). We are to love others as He loves them (John 15:12), see others as God sees them- His creation, valuable enough to die for. The power to love, to forgive, to be courageous is not in us, it is in Him. By His power, (2 Timothy 3:17) we are equipped to serve, to love. HOW we do this is our unique purpose, our individual and corporate mission, accomplished through God-given gifts and talents.
Developing Christian Community

We are told to fellowship, to live in community (Hebrews 10:24,25). The mission of SYNC is three-fold. Part of our mission is to develop a community of Jesus-lovers who support one another. We are a para-church organization that supports membership in Bible-honoring churches. We are not tied to any particular denomination and all are welcome. We have no ‘membership.’ SYNC supports any church that honors Jesus as One with God and Holy Spirit. We have a Board of Directors and specified leaders that connect us to each organization we serve. Qualifications for leadership include signing our Statement of Faith which can be found on the SYNC website. We encourage women to connect with activities according to their unique gifts and talents. Not all of where we serve is right for everyone. For instance, if one loves cooking, but sewing isn’t their joy, we don’t expect to see them at ‘Nifty Needles.’
Supporting Organizations in our Community

Part of what we do is to serve, undergirding organizations that are helping with physical and spiritual needs in our community. We do this by coming alongside these organizations with fundraising events, serving meals, assisting with their silent auction, hosting an ice cream social, organizing their clothing to give away etc. Unto the least of these, unto Christ….. ( Matthew 25:45).
Sharing our Faith
The third part is sharing the faith and hope we have found in Jesus. Understanding faith comes from hearing (Romans 10:17), we believe we first need to earn the right to be heard. Therefore our aim it to build relationship so others will see we live our faith, trusting God for each today, confident in the glorious eternity of all our tomorrows. Within relationship, talking about trusting Christ comes naturally as we strive to boldly share our faith intentionally in a variety of ways.
Shining Boldly in a Dark World

So, daughters of the King, every cookie baked, every stitch sewn, every garment folded is beautiful because it is done with love. The unconditional love God has bestowed on us enables us to love on others as it points to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Never think for a moment that we are ‘merely volunteers,’ because God says we are much, much more. HIS is the voice that counts. In Him, by Him and through Him, we step forward to serve where we are called, in His name. Though we may be in different locations doing different jobs, we serve together, daughters of the King, saints, royal princesses. We are bound together by an unbreakable bond, the power of Holy Spirit glowing in each of our hearts. As children we sang, “This Little Light of Mine” and shouted at the top of our lungs when the verse came to, “Hide it under a bushel… NO!” That verse is for each of us today, grown ups in a dark world. Let us not hide the light of Christ that is in our hearts. Let us boldly shine brightly into the world and lift others up where we can. We can truly be grateful for the blessed gift of sisterhood, securely knowing we are God’s kids and He will never leave us.
Sharing Great Love
Frankly, I’m still awestruck by all God is accomplishing through SYNC. Even knowing this is His ministry and we never move forward without His guidance, it is amazing how many lives He has touched through the beautiful ladies in pink. It gives me goosebumps to think of what He might have ahead for us and the people He will bring in the future. I’m exceedingly humbled to serve alongside His gifted, beloved saints. Had I been asked the question years ago, “What would you like to do when you grow up?” it would have been beyond my dreams to share the Gospel and meet needs across a city shoulder to shoulder with precious friends. My life verse hangs on the wall above my desk. From 1 John 3:1 it reads, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called ‘Children of God’!” Yes, how GREAT is the love of the Father!!!!
Pam Korgan