Making a Difference with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Sync Making Baskets To Raffle For Ivcf
Pam Korgan
May 3, 2024

SYNC came alongside Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship (  to raise funds for the group at University of Nevada Reno. Our ladies put together baskets for a raffle and arranged flowers making beautiful table decorations. It is our honor to serve these wonderful student leaders supporting their outreach and Bible study on campus. We are excited to be working with such amazing students and staff!

Sync Ladies Making Baskets For Ivcf
Sync And Ivcf
Sync Ladies At Ivcf Banquet
Intervarsity Chrisitan Fellowship Gala With Sync Ladies
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Gala 2
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Gala Girls
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Gala Guys